Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MAN handle your travel!

“Are you seriously gonna pack everything in that one bag? You won’t have room to bring anything extra back…”, she squawked as I threw my ridiculously stuffed backpack on the table in victory!

Travelling is always good... and as a MAN you should be able to pack a bag and get ready for a road trip with the boys or a getaway with your significant other without a problem. For whatever the reason, women are wired to pack half their wardrobe and shoes into no less then 2 rolling duffles, we will never know. What we do know is that men pack the same way for a wedding, honeymoon, bachelor party, football/sporting event trip, or any other event you can dream up. The absolute same way.

We are very structured and there is little emotion involved. Match a few colors. *Note I said colors and not shades/hues* We don’t want to stand out. We don’t want to fit in. We aim to be comfortable and simple. Here is a simple rule to follow: Take the number of days you are traveling above 3 (3 days = 2 outfits, no more no less) and divide that in half. This is the number of outfits and colors you are allowed to pack (jeans not included). One week away gives you no more then 4 outfits.
You can now pack lightly and not have to lug anything extra around. You are going away to in fact get away. Leave your wardrobe at home and go have fun with life. Remember you are a man and you need to leave your extra baggage home.

-Man 1

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